Be sure you recall the details of the battles and more by taking this quiz over book 9 of the odyssey from enotes. Learn 1 9 odyssey book with free interactive flashcards. The odyssey book 9 characters polyphemus polyphemus is a cyclops. Quiz cliffsnotes study guides book summaries, test. He proceeds to tell the phaeacians stories of his long and arduous journey since the fall of troy. As he begins his narrative, he relates that the cyclopes are a lawless people, which should. Reading quiz over books 9, 10, and 12 and associated background readings quia odyssey book 9, 10, and 12 reading quiz home faq about log in subscribe now 30day free trial. The odyssey books 7 9 quiz the odyssey books 1012 summary the odyssey books 15 summary the odyssey summary the odyssey quotes the odyssey important characters the odyssey quiz literature literature summaries homer facts. The poet invokes the muse to help him tell the story of odysseus. Its hard to consider a person educated in the literary tradition unless theyve familiar with this classic. In it are captured all the winds that might drive the ships off. Book 1 book 2 book 3 book 4 book 5 book 6 book 7 book 8 book 9 book 10 book 11 book 12 book book 14 book 15 book 16 book 17 book 18 book 19 book 20 book 21 book 22 book 23 book 24 themes all themes fate, the gods, and free will piety, customs, and justice cunning, disguise, and selfrestraint memory and grief glory and honor.
Chapter summary for homers the odyssey, book 9 summary. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. The narrator is homer, although within his narration odysseus tells his own story in first person in books 9 12. Book 9 what is the significance of odysseus role as the teller of his own story. This quiz includes multiple choice, true or false, and 2 short answer questions. After leaving troy, odysseus and his men sail to ismarus, which they attack and plunder. It covers basic ancient greek culture, the definition and characteristics of an epic, characterization of odysseus, and the basic plotline of books 1 and 9. The notion of hospitality is so strong in the world of the odyssey that guests can even be considered part of ones family.
Find a summary of this and each chapter of the odyssey. About the odyssey the odyssey summary character list glossary themes quotes and analysis books 14 books 58 books 9 12 books 16 books 1720 books 2124 symbols, allegory and motifs metaphors and similes irony imagery the fractal structure of epics literary elements related links essay questions quiz 1 quiz 2 quiz 3 quiz 4 citations. Students familiar with some of the legends of the odyssey but new to the epic itself might be surprised to see that the section on the lotuseaters is only about twentyfive lines long 9. We learn that poseidon, god of the sea, holds a grudge though we dont know exactly why against odysseus and is making the guys voyage home a pretty difficult one. Quotes what was said themes for the most part symbols. Follow directions in each question you will be graded on following directions, correct answers, spelling, and punctuation and. Use your odyssey book and study guide to answer the following questions from book 9 and 10. Consider both goddesses as well as mortal women, and write an essay examining the role of women in the odyssey. Alcinous offers a ship to odysseus and asks him to tell of his adventures. With how many ships does odysseus depart from troy. The odyssey book 1 quiz document pdf teachers edition only the muse has been called upon to tell the story of the great odysseus who, at the beginning of the tale, is imprisoned far away from. Men hold me formidable for guile6 in peace and war.
Homer has touched on a universal theme, the lure of oblivion through drugs. Here are worksheets and a project to help you teach or appreciate the odyssey. The odyssey book 1 and 9 vocabulary other quiz quizizz. Who is homer invoking and what is he asking him or her to help him with. Who did zeus send to tell calypso that it was time for odysseus to leave. About the odyssey the odyssey summary character list glossary themes quotes and analysis books 1 4 books 58 books 9 12 books 16 books 1720 books 2124 symbols, allegory and motifs metaphors and similes irony imagery the fractal structure of epics literary elements related links essay questions quiz 1 quiz 2 quiz 3 quiz 4 citations. Answer the questions for each book using complete sentences. Polyphemos and odysseus are two characters you will be quizzed on. The worksheet and quiz can help test your knowledge of the odyssey book 9. The odyssey by homer book 1 summary and analysis youtube. You can add additional paragraphs on a lined paper. For example, even if you say, read excerpt from book 1 in lit book andor read excerpt from book 9 in lit book. In book 9 of homers odyssey, the title character tells about his adventures in the land of the cyclopes. Questions on both versions are the same, but version b has one less answer choice for each question.
The odyssey worksheets, project, and test ereading worksheets. The iliad relates the events during part of the trojan war, while the odyssey recounts the adventures of odysseus as he returns home to ithaca following the end of the war. One of them, polyphemus, traps odysseus and a scouting party in his cave. Eager to move on, odysseus receives an oxskin pouch from aeolus. Choose from 500 different sets of 1 9 odyssey book flashcards on quizlet. Identity and signs as he makes his way closer and closer to retaking his place on ithaca and with his family, a disguised odysseus must use all his resources to regain his kingdom. Is the ending of the odyssey through athenas intervention a convincing and meaningful way of putting an end to the struggle between the ithakans. Having escaped the cyclops, odysseus and his men arrive at the home of aeolus, master of the winds, where they are greeted warmly and hosted for a month. Choose from 500 different sets of odyssey book 1 9 quiz flashcards on quizlet. Part 1 books 112 27 questions by 2win last updated.
The odyssey by homer summaries and study questions. Olympus where athena draws zeus attention to odysseus whose journey has been halted on the island of calypso. Odysseuss narrative makes up books 9 through 12 of the odyssey. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of the odyssey and what it means. Match the following characters to the correct description. This quiztest is comprised of 35 multiple choice questions aimed at assessing reading comprehension of the plot of books 1, 9, 10, 11, and 12 of the odyssey.
Watch our overview video on the book of luke, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Invocation page 895 what does the word invocation mean. Summary and analysis book 10 the bewitching queen of aeaea. One of the questions often asked about a work of literature is whether the. The odyssey is told in the thirdperson omniscient perspective. Book i athena inspires the prince sing to me of the man, muse, the man of twists and turns driven time and again off course, once he had plundered the hallowed heights of troy. This activity was created by a quia web subscriber. When odysseus shows up polyphemus eats 6 of his crew mates.
Learn odyssey book 1 9 quiz with free interactive flashcards. He had no family and he lives a little father away from the other cyclops. Follow directions in each question you will be graded on following directions, correct answers, spelling, and punctuation and properly introduced and cited quotes. Homers epic poem the odyssey tells the story of odysseus, greek hero of the trojan war. It is a tradition in other classic poems, and these goddesses are the sources of knowledge and inspiration, so they would be best to help homer tell his story. The odyssey books 912 summary and analysis gradesaver. The various songswithinthepoem cast light on identity and themes in this book, as interior texts frequently do throughout the odyssey. Zeus sends hermes to have odysseus released and athena goes to ithaca. Guided reading questions page 5 of 11 important information not included in your book 8 excerpt demodocus sings a few songs at the banquetnot just the one you read about. Hospitality the major themes in the odyssey are especially significant because. Which goddess first visits telemachus at the home of odysseus in book 1. If i could suggest anything to add to the lesson plan above, i would suggest adding in the reading schedule by day also. I am going to work from a lit book next year and i think it has excerpts too. In chapter 8 of the odyssey, how does king alcinous help odysseus to get home.
Unlike the iliad, the odyssey includes several significant female characters, whose actions affect the plot and the outcome of the story. The odyssey book 9 quiz document pdf teachers edition only in this section, odysseus is regaling the phaeaceans with tales of his travails around the world and especially his battle with the. A companion practice quiz is available at 20and this is my first video and contains no text just audio and. The odyssey summary the odyssey books quiz the odyssey books 46 quiz the odyssey books 7 9 quiz the odyssey books 1012 quiz the odyssey books 15 quiz the odyssey books 1617 quiz the odyssey books 1820 quiz the odyssey books 2122 quiz the odyssey books 2324 quiz the odyssey quotes the odyssey important characters all quizzes. Here is this stranger, i do not know who he is, come wandering suppliant here to my house from the eastern or western people. The odyssey by homer book 9 summary and analysis youtube. Reread your answers at the end prior to your final submission. Nov 27, 2016 here are scanned parts of the odyssey. The odyssey is told in the past tense and includes flashbacks. Books 9 12 odysseus relates what happened to him after the trojan war.
Additionally for student interest and further understanding. How did menelaus know somewhat of the whereabouts of odysseus after the war. The odyssey books 1 and 9 quiz by jennifer moore tpt. Who did athena disguise herself as when she went to visit telemachus for the first time. Reading quiz over books 9, 10, and 12 and associated background readings. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The next stop is the land of the cyclops, lawless oneeyed giants. The odyssey book 10 king aeolus has given odysseus a gift.
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